Tourism Ambassador "Anandonia-Luale" of Kendari City 2015

20.27 Yusriani 1 Comments

Assalamu'alaikum :)
Hello friends, the lazy blogger is back hehehe
On last week I joined selection of Tourism Ambassador of Kendari City 2015. It's like "Abang-None Jakarta" but in Kendari it's called "Anandonia-Luale".
Little description of this event. This event is held every year are choosing men and woman who will become an icon of Kendari City at the same time help the city government particularly in the field of tourism to promote tourism potential as a tourism object and cultural.

My motivation to participate in this event is I want to be an ambassador for my city tour because so much potential for tourism that can be developed and introduced to the tourists both local and international, the second is I want to broaden my experience and knowledge as well and I had never follow events like this before.

Btw, before we're selected as finalists we're have an interview test. The test are consists culture of Tolaki's tribe, tourism, knowledge and ability to speaking in English,  psychology and personality and appearance. And Alhamdulillah I can past the interview test as well as I can be one of the finalist.

Me and my friends were wearing Tolaki's traditional clothing, so proud to wear this clothes :D


Alhamdulillah, I'm so grateful to have an opportunity to join this event and be one of the winner in category of "Luale Persahabatan". By this event I found new friends, new experience, new knowledge, etc. And from this event too I've learning something that in our live we have to show our totality of doing something in order to give satisfactory results. Thank you for my lovely parents and my best friends who has given me support. I love you :)

1 komentar:

  1. Unfortunately I couldn't see the event.
    I am interested with Tolaki's culture since I have been living in Kendari.
    by the way congrats for the title :)


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